Deskilling, Upskilling, and Reskilling: a Case for Hybrid Intelligence
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Deskilling, Upskilling, and Reskilling: a Case for Hybrid Intelligence

Deskilling is an important negative effect of increasing automation in the workplace. In order to provide a potential solution, the researchers suggest using a Hybrid Intelligence approach that takes these considerations into account.


Publication date
1 January 2021
Janet Rafner
Industrial Ecosystem
  • Automotive


There a number of negative effects identified by researchers of increasing automation and machine support in the workplace, including the deskilling of workers, which negatively impacts the workers themselves, organisations, and society overall. The researchers in this paper explore alternative approaches to human-AI configuration and present one form, Hybrid Intelligence, as a promising way forward. They argue that Hybrid Intelligence takes these concerns into account and actually fosters the upskilling of workers.

Deskilling, Upskilling, and Reskilling


  • 13 FEBRUARY 2023
Deskilling, Upskilling, and Reskilling: a Case for Hybrid Intelligence