About the Pact for Skills
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Pact for Skills
Illustrative figures as workers in an office showing skills development
About the Pact for Skills

The Pact for Skills aims to support public and private organisations to upskill and reskill so they can thrive through the green and digital transitions

The Pact for Skills was launched on 10 November 2020. It aims to support public and private organisations with maximising the impact of their investment in upskilling and reskilling, so they can thrive through the green and digital transitions.

Skills are central for building a resilient and competitive work force, and for mastering the digital and green transitions. Large and small businesses need skilled people to innovate and grow. The dynamic nature of the labour market can lead to skill mismatches and shortages, which can be major factors for unemployment. This is where the Pact for Skills comes in.

The Pact for Skills promotes joint action to maximise the impact of investing in upskilling and reskilling. It calls on national, regional and local authorities; companies; social partners; cross-industry and sectoral organisations; chambers of commerce; education and training providers; and employment services to work together and make a clear commitment to invest in training for all people of working age in the EU.

The Pact is the first of the flagship actions under the European Skills Agenda. It is firmly anchored in the European Pillar of Social Rights and supports the ambitions of the EU Industrial and SME Strategies.

Download our Pact for Skills info sheet 

Take a look at our info sheet to find out more about the Pact and how it can support you here.

We are pleased to announce that the Pact for Skills info sheet is now available to download in 21 EU languages!

Regional Skills Partnerships Leaflet 

Regional skills partnerships are multi-stakeholder collaborations that work to create upskilling and reskilling opportunities for people of working age in a region, also including skills partnerships at local level and Macro regions that include collaborations between regions in multiple EU member states with a shared geographical or economic proximity or relationship.

Download our leaflet to learn more about regional skills partnerships. 

Three illustrative figures with a laptop speaking

Key principles of the Pact

The Charter of the Pact for Skills outlines a shared vision for quality training from industry, social partners, vocational education and training providers, national, regional and local authorities.

Translated versions of the Pact charter can be downloaded here: 

General publications23 January 2024
Pact for Skills Charter translations

Signatories of the Pact are strongly encouraged to translate their engagement into concrete commitments on upskilling and reskilling. These commitments will bring to life the following key principles of the Pact: 

  • promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all 
  • building strong skill partnerships 
  • monitoring skill supply/demand and anticipating skill needs 
  • working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities.

Lists of partnerships’ coordinators and members

  • 14 MARCH 2023
Other Partnerships Lists