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European Social Fund (ESF) - Sweden

The Swedish ESF Council is the main public authority responsible for the implementation of ESF in Sweden.


Publication date
3 March 2023
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
31 December 2027, 23:59 (CET)
Level of funding
  • National level


The Swedish ESF Council is the main public authority responsible for the implementation of ESF in Sweden and manages four national Operational Programmes:

  • Programme area A - Increase opportunities for an inclusive and sustainable working life for all, which supports actions targeting all thematic objective areas (financial vulnerability, establishment in the labour market, reintegration into the labour market, unstable position in the labour market, and stable position in the labour market).
  • Programme area B - Increase job opportunities, which is aimed at individuals who are outside the labour market and are enrolled at the Swedish Public Employment Service. The purpose of the programme area is to contribute to increasing the transitions to work and training among enrollees at the Swedish Public Employment Service.
  • Programme area C - Reduce the risk of financial vulnerability, which is targeted at social inclusion efforts, with the aim of supporting individuals who are economically vulnerable.
  • Programme area D - Increasing capacity in sparsely populated geographies, which targets the sparsely populated regions of Upper Norrland and Central Norrland. These regions face challenges linked to, among other things, large distances with few opportunities for public transport, a low population density and an aging population.
  • Programme area E - Social innovation, which aims to enable innovative and more effective solutions to meet challenges and needs in areas such as social inclusion, labour market, education or capacity building.

Please note that this Operational Programme refers to the programming period 2014-2020, as the as the Operational Programme for 2021-2027 is not yet available.

Useful links

Link to managing authority

Link to funding opportunities