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Pact for Skills
  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

Capacity building in the field of Vocational education and training (VET)

Capacity building projects aim to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development.


Publication date
29 November 2022
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
28 February 2023, 17:00 (CET)
Funding programme
Level of funding
  • EU level




Specifically, the action will:

  • Build capacity of VET providers to strengthen cooperation between private and public stakeholders in the field of vocational education and training for demand-oriented and opportunity-driven VET interventions;
  • Improve the quality and responsiveness of VET to economic and social developments to enhance the labour market relevance of skills provision;
  • Align VET provision to local, regional and national development strategies.

Activities/actions supported

The non-exhaustive list of possible additional types of activities related to training and skilling is as follows:

  • Creating tools, programmes and other materials to build the capacity of institutions from third countries not associated to the Programme (practical training schemes training programmes and tools for assessing and validating learning outcomes in VET, individual action plans for participating institutions; professional guidance and counselling and coaching methods…);
  • Developing and transferring pedagogical approaches, teaching and training materials and methods, including work based learning, virtual mobility, open educational resources and better exploitation of the ICT potential;
  • Developing and implementing international (virtual) exchange activities for staff primarily (including teachers and non-teaching staff such as school leaders, managers, counsellors, advisors, etc.);
  • Creating and developing networks and exchanges of good practice between VET providers in third countries not associated to the Programme and in EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.

Anticipated outcomes

Among the expected outcomes, he non-exhaustive list of those focusing up- and -re-skilling are:

  • Improved capacities of VET providers especially in the fields of management, governance, inclusion, quality assurance, innovation and internationalisation;
  • Increased exposure of staff, managers, policy makers and senior teachers to approaches bringing the labour market and VET closer;
  • Improved knowledge, technical, managerial and pedagogical skills of VET teachers and trainers;
  • Better input of teachers/trainers, VET learners and employers into curriculum, profile design and training reform;
  • Improved level of competences, skills and employability potential of VET learners;
  • Improved digital skills and competences of the target public through appropriate activities and initiatives;
  • Improved links between VET profiles and local/regional/national strategies and priorities.

Institution providing the funding

European Commission

Size of funding

Between EUR 100,000 - 400,000



Overview of eligibility criteria

Any public or private organisation active in the VET field and legally established in an EU Member State or eligible third country associated to the Programme can apply. Organisations from third countries not associated to the Programme cannot be coordinators. The coordinator applies on behalf of all participating organisations involved in the project.

Each participating organisation must be active in the field of VET or in the labour market. It can be involved as full partner, affiliated entity or associated partner and must be established in an EU Member state or third country associated to the Programme (please see Part A of this Guide), or in an eligible third country not associated to the Programme (please see below).

Eligible third countries not associated to the Programme for this action:

  • All third countries not associated to the Programme in Regions 1, 2, 3, 9, 10 and 11 (please see Part A of this Guide);

Exception: organisations from Belarus (Region 2) are not eligible to participate in this action.

Overview of award criteria

Project proposals will be assessed taking into account the following 4 criteria, for a maximum of 100 points:

  • Relevance of the project (30 points);
  • Quality of the project design and implementation (30 points);
  • Quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements (20 points);
  • Impact (20 points)

The threshold for individual criteria will be at least half of the maximum score points. The overall threshold, applying to the sum of the individual scores, will be 60.



Application procedures

Applications should be sent to the To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) with the Call ID: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-CB. For more details about the application process, please see the link to the call below.

For more details about the application process, please see the link to the call below.

Application support available

For more information on the call and the application procedure please consult the Erasmus+ Programme Guide at

For help related to this call, please contact: EACEA-EPLUS-ALLIANCESatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-EPLUS-ALLIANCES[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)


Link to funding opportunity

Link to the programme for more info