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Pact for Skills
  • General publications

Sector Skills Intelligance and Strategy for the European Battery Sector

This publication comprises of the sectoral skills strategy to boost upskilling and reskilling in the European battery sector, as well as sectoral skills intelligence about the current skills needs and best practices in training activities.


Publication date
30 November 2021
Alliance for Batteries Technology, Training and Skills


This report covers the sectoral skills strategy and skills intelligence of the European battery sector. The first section of the report focuses on the sectoral skills strategy, particularly what actions will be essential in booting skills development across the battery value chain. The second section of the report covers sectoral skills intelligence and the current skills needs for different occupational profiles across the sector. The findings of this report are based on desk research, webinars and additional stakeholder interactions conducted by the ALBATTS project.

Sector Skills Intelligance and Strategy for the European Battery Sector


  • 7 DECEMBER 2022
Sector Skills Intelligance and Strategy for the European Battery Sector