- Publication date
- 5 May 2022
- Author
- Cedefop
- Industrial Ecosystem
- Agrifood
- Aerospace & defence
- Automotive
- Construction
- Cultural & creative
- Digital
- Energy intensive industries
- Health
- Microelectronics
- Proximity and social economy
- Renewable energy
- Retail
- Textile
- Tourism
- Other
Organisations must create a climate that incentivizes trainings and the development of new skills. According to this working paper developed by the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), this can be done by organisations challenge workers’ skills, stimulating motivation, and creating opportunities for employees to contribute. The role of human resources may often be overlooked, but these departments, as well as managerial beliefs about these departments, are positively linked with participation in on-the-job training.