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New EAfA factsheet on boosting cooperation on apprenticeships through Erasmus+

The new factsheet provides comprehensive information on how Erasmus+ funding supports apprenticeships and work-based learning.


Publication date
10 October 2023
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council


The new factsheet provides comprehensive information on how Erasmus+ funding supports apprenticeships and work-based learning through partnerships and cooperation among different stakeholders like businesses, educational institutions and research organisations. The factsheet also highlights examples of inspiring projects that have used Erasmus+ funding to develop new apprenticeship models, improve the training of apprentices and tutors, and strengthen the links between businesses and education institutions. Best known for supporting learner’s mobility, Erasmus+ is also one of the main EU instruments for promoting vocational education and training (VET) across the EU. The programme offers a range of opportunities for apprentices, VET teachers and trainers to improve their skills, competencies and the overall quality of work-based learning and apprenticeships.

New EAfA factsheet on boosting cooperation on apprenticeships through Erasmus+


  • 14 MARCH 2024
New EAfA factsheet on boosting cooperation on apprenticeships through Erasmus+