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GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework

This report presents the key learning from athe GreenComp, with a focus on environmental sustainability.


Publication date
12 January 2022
Joint Research Centre


The development of a European sustainability competence framework is one of the policy actions set out in the European Green Deal. GreenComp identifies a set of sustainability competencies to feed into education programmes to help learners develop knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote ways to think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet and for public health. This work began with a literature review and drew on several consultations with experts and stakeholders working in the field of sustainability education and lifelong learning. The results presented in this report form a framework for learning about environmental sustainability that can be applied in any learning context.


Link to the resource/material/publication

GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework


  • 24 AUGUST 2022
GreenComp: The European sustainability competence framework