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Foundation Seminar Series 2016: The impact of digitalisation on work

The Foundation Seminar Series 2016 brought together participants from 15 Member States to discuss, explore and learn about the impact of digitalisation on work, with the aim of building up national agendas for better implementation of digital changes


Publication date
23 December 2016
Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion


For the Foundation Seminar Series 2016 (FSS 2016), Eurofound brought together participants from 15 Member States to discuss, explore and learn about the impact of digitalisation on work, with the aim of building up national agendas for better implementation of digital changes. The FSS model does not strive to replicate formal social dialogue but creates a space where the social partners can acknowledge challenges and commit to work together without a binding formal agreement. The outputs of the two seminars in 2016 are a series of national contributions drafted by the national teams, reflecting a shared position with space for difference.


Link to the resource/material/publication

Foundation Seminar Series 2016: The impact of digitalisation on work


  • 22 AUGUST 2022
Foundation Seminar Series 2016: The impact of digitalisation on work