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Pact for Skills
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Decarbonising energy intensive industries with focus on employment effects

This report by ETUI investigates the potential employment effects of a range of possible sectoral emission abatement scenarios. This provides some insights on the potential future skills needs in energy intensive industries.


Publication date
1 August 2022
European Trade Union Institute


This report by the European Trade Union Institute aimed at mapping and analysing the employment effect of the decarbonisation of energy intensive industry in Europe. The report explores three different sectoral emission abatement scenarios, and compares their impact on several different ‘technology levers’. A range of scenarios are presented, which can provide sector stakeholders insights into the potential directions the industries may head and what the skills needs may be. This document is part of a series of outcomes from a project developed by ETUI in cooperation with the European Climate Foundation.

Decarbonising energy intensive industries with focus on employment effects


  • 10 FEBRUARY 2023
Decarbonising energy intensive industries with focus on employment effects