- Publication date
- 19 November 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
This paper presents an overview of activities and outputs of the Blueprints for sectoral cooperation (referred to as Blueprints in this report) that are funded through the Erasmus+ programme.
Blueprints support collaboration between businesses, trade unions, research institutions, education and training authorities, and public authorities with the aim of developing and implementing strategies to address skills gaps in specific sectors/ecosystems. In the current programming period (2021–2027), Blueprints are supported through the Erasmus+ action – ‘Alliances for Innovation – Lot 2: Alliances for sectoral cooperation on skills’. The Blueprints approach was introduced in 2016 by the Skills Agenda and follows on from the Sector Skills Alliances, which were implemented under the former Leonardo da Vinci programme. This report showcases the progress made by the 28 Blueprint Alliances that have been funded between 2018 and 2022, out of the total of 40 Blueprints that have been funded since 2018. The present report builds on the ‘Bridging projects and policy: Blueprints for sectoral collaboration’ paper published in 2023.
Download the report.