The Pact for Skills is pleased to announce the launch of the Lombardy Regional Partnership in Italy.
This is the first Regional Partnership under the Pact for Skills and at a European level. Key industrial ecosystems in the Lombardy region are the healthcare ecosystem, the energy-intensive industry which includes metals, chemistry, plastics and paper manufacturing, and the cultural and creative ecosystem which includes publishing, media, art, events and advertising. The region faces challenges such as integrating production chains, self-sufficiency and adapting to demands of the digital labour market.
Speaking about the launch of the Partnership Mr. Guido Guidesi, Minister for Economic Development in Lombardia, explained “that the Partnership, the first of its kind at a European level, represents an important milestone in the process aimed at strengthening the competitiveness of the Lombardia production system and sets the foundations to guarantee an ever stronger and more resilient growth.”
Ms Melania De Nichilo Rizzoli, Minister for Training and Employment explained that "In view of the opening of the European Year of Skills 2023, the signing of the first Regional Pact for Skills confirms Lombardy's excellence in terms of skills and professionalism."
To adapt to skills challenges, the region has committed to supporting cooperation between institutions, businesses, trade unions, associations, public and private entities.
In particular, the Partnership makes the following commitments:
- Promote skills and professions for sustainable business by aligning with the EU Sustainable Business Taxonomy
- Identify skills needs of the local economy and align needs with training paths for young people through workshops and training
- Facilitate investment in digital skills development by identifying and making use of EU funding opportunities available
The Lombardy region will track its progress by monitoring the number of stakeholders involved in activities, local workshops delivered, the type of training opportunities and the number of digital job-placements created.
To find out more about the Lombardy Regional Partnership contact Armando De Crinito, Director General for Economic Development, at armando_de_crinitoregione [dot] lombardia [dot] it (armando_de_crinito[at]regione[dot]lombardia[dot]it).
- Publication date
- 16 December 2022
- Author
- Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion