First Pact for Skills Annual Survey Report shows progress made in upskilling and reskilling - European Commission
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Pact for Skills
  • News article
  • 23 May 2023
  • Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
  • 1 min read

First Pact for Skills Annual Survey Report shows progress made in upskilling and reskilling

Pact for Skills Annual Report survey results

The first Pact for Skills Annual Survey assesses progress made up to December 2022 in upskilling and reskilling people of working age through collaboration and partnerships. 461 registered Pact members participated in the survey from February to March 2023.

Key figures from the report include:

  • 2 million people benefited from up-and re-skilling activities
  • 19 million people were reached by promotion and dissemination activities
  • 21 500 stakeholders joined forces in skills partnerships or networks
  • 15 500 training programmes were updated or developed
  • €160,000,000 was invested into upskilling and reskilling by Pact members

In addition, Pact members are delivering on their commitments, making progress on 90% of commitments across the four Pact principles, which are: promoting a culture of lifelong learning, monitoring skills supply/demand, building strong skills partnerships and working against discrimination for equal opportunities.

Finally, the report shows how involvement in a skills partnership has a positive impact on the up- and re-skilling efforts of an organisation. Pact members found that being in a large-scale skills partnership improves skills monitoring, enhances the quality of up- and reskilling opportunities and creates more inclusive up- and re-skilling activities.

This report is part of the monitoring framework of the Pact for skills, monitoring progress with the implementation of the commitments to the Pact for Skills, their key achievements, and results. It has also collected best practices to feed into mutual learning activities of the Pact. 

Read the full report and the summary one-pager with main results below:

  • 23 MAY 2023
Pact for Skills Annual Report
  • 23 MAY 2023
Pact for Skills survey results one pager

