The Proximity & Social Economy ecosystem includes social enterprises, associations and cooperatives that aim to generate a social impact.
Find out more about the LSP(s) in this ecosystem and their commitments below:
To ensure the social economy can continue to create inclusive employment and remain competitive, many social economy organisations, investors, banks, and other legal entities will require upskilling and reskilling of the ecosystem’s workforce, considering the green and digital transition.
Size of the labour market
The sector represents 13.6 million employed people within 2.8 million enterprises and organisations in Europe.
Commitments made under the Pact for Skills
The Skills partnership, represented by social partners, European, national and regional SE organisations, education and research institutions, regional and local authorities, and clusters, aims to identify statistical information on key upskilling and reskilling needs of social economy employees and entrepreneurs, and mobilise public and private capital.
Through its activities, the Proximity & Social Economy LSP aims to promote upskilling and reskilling of 5% of the workforce each year by 2030 across the ecosystem. To reach this target, the partners commit to establishing a skills alliance and sharing intelligence about skills needs with educators.
For further information please refer to the Partnership's Commitments:
Lists of Large-Scale Partnership coordinators and members

Take a look at the list of relevant partnerships and projects in the Proximity and Social Economy ecosystem: