The Construction ecosystem covers the design, construction, maintenance, refurbishment, renovation and demolition of buildings and infrastructure.
Find out more about the LSP(s) in this ecosystem and their commitments below:
The Renovation Wave, related to improving energy efficiency of EU buildings, will play a key role in the European Green Deal, with which Europe declared its ambition to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has deeply affected the industry and highlighted the importance of mobility and good conditions for construction workers within the EU, as well as of action to build skills for a fair and resilient recovery.
Size of the labour market
The EU construction industry employs 6.1% of total EU workforce (12.7 million people), and the EU construction ecosystem itself employs approximately 24.9 million people.
Commitments made under the Pact for Skills
The partnership represented by sectoral social partners, is committed to upskill and reskill the EU construction workforce (3 million people), including by building strong partnerships, monitoring occupational supply/demand chains, and anticipating knowledge and skills needs. They also aim at attracting more young people and women to the construction sector, and promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all.
Through its activities, the Construction LSP aims to promote upskilling and reskilling of 30% of the workforce each year by 2030 across the industry.
For further information please refer to:
Lists of Large-Scale Partnership coordinators and members

Take a look at the list of list of relevant partnerships and projects in the Construction ecosystem: