You can sign up for the Pact on behalf of your organisation or a partnership with several other organisations, and as a supporter of the Pact to receive the Pact for Skills Newsletter and information on upcoming activities. You can sign up via the application form, here:
Please have a look at the guidance below:

To able to edit your application in the future, we advise you to save the PDF file or the Contribution ID of your application at the bottom of the page after submitting your application. Using your Contribution ID, you can access and modify your application anytime at the EU Survey page clicking at 'Edit contribution'.
If the Contribution ID is not available to you anymore, please contact us through the contact form of the Pact for Skills website, selecting the ‘Membership’ subject and we will provide you with access to your application.
If you wish to terminate your organisation’s membership in Pact for Skills, please contact us through the contact form of the Pact for Skills website, selecting the ‘Membership’ subject.
If other person(s), apart from the main contact person of your oranisation wish(es) to be included in the Pact for Skills mailing list, they can sign up via the Pact for Skills application form, choosing to ‘Register as a supporter of the Pact to receive the PfS newsletter and information on PfS activities.’
As the coordinator of the umbrella organisation, you can upload a full list of members in your application. However, you should also encourage your members to register individually whenever possible.
Pact for Skills commitments define how organisations plan to take action for the upskilling and reskilling of people of working age. Commitments are made by organisations and outline the concrete actions they will implement to support the key principles of the Pact for Skills charter:
- Promoting a culture of lifelong learning for all;
- Building strong skills partnerships;
- Monitoring skill supply/demand and anticipating skill needs;
- Working against discrimination and for gender equality and equal opportunities
When you sign up for the Pact for Skills, you can either define concrete commitments, or endorse the commitments of your skills partnership. Remember you can revise and update the commitment you make when registering.
To help you make a new commitment you can find standardised list below of actions and corresponding KPIs as a reference. The list is based on the four key principles of the Pact for Skills Charter, and can help you define a commitment, based on example categories of commitments, types of actions, target groups and KPIs. If you need additional support, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Large-Scale Skills Partnerships (LSPs) are a shared engagement model for collective action where major players in industrial ecosystems and value or supply chains, including associations, relevant public authorities and SMEs, commit to cooperate and invest to provide upskilling and reskilling opportunities for people of working age in the whole industrial ecosystem. For more information, see this website page, or guidance handbook.
Regional Skills Partnerships (RSPs) are multi-stakeholder partnerships seeking to advance the Pact for Skills’ objectives at the regional level. RSPs can cover either a region within a single Member State (e.g., Lombardy in Italy), or ‘macro regions’ spanning across Member States that have a shared geographical or economic proximity or relationship. Under the Pact for Skills, a RSP has to be formalised with a declaration of commitment. Developing regional skills partnerships under the Pact is an opportunity to get support for these activities and highlight their impact through a European wide initiative. For more information, see this website page, or guidance handbook.