European Social Fund (ESF) - Italy (I) Skip to main content
Pact for Skills
  • Call for proposals
  • Open

European Social Fund (ESF) - Italy (I)

ANPAL is one of the public authorities responsible for the ESF implementation at national level in Italy.


Publication date
3 March 2023
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
31 December 2027, 23:59 (CET)
Level of funding
  • National level


ANPAL is one of the public authorities responsible for the ESF implementation at national level in Italy. It manages the Operational Programme on active labour market policies (Programma operativo nazionale Sistemi di politiche attive per l'occupazione (Spao)), which includes the following main priorities related to upskilling and reskilling:

  • Promoting employment, with a specific focus on youth, and fostering the labour market intergation of vulnerable groups (e.g. women, older workers, migrants, and people at risk of poverty and social exclusion)
  • Improving the quality of education through innovation, research and human capital develpment.
  • Improving and strengthening public and private employment services.
  • Fostering the mobility of workers.

The main beneficiaries of actions funded through this Operational Programme are public institutions, public employment services, career guidance centres, education institutions, and support services for youth.

Please note that this Operational Programme refers to the programming period 2014-2020, as the as the Operational Programme for 2021-2027 is not yet available.

Useful links

Link to managing authority