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Pact for Skills
  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

Partnerships for Innovation - Forward-Looking Projects - Digital education

This call aims to support high quality and inclusive digital education, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.


Publication date
29 November 2022
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
15 March 2023, 17:00 (CET)
Funding programme
Level of funding
  • EU level




Education and training systems are currently undergoing a deep digital transformation, which is being driven by advances in connectivity; the widespread use of devices and digital applications; the need for individual flexibility; the wider availability of and need for high-quality digital education content and the ever-increasing demand for digital skills. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has heavily impacted education and training, has accelerated the change and provided multiple new learning experiences and perspectives. To this end, this call aims to support high quality and inclusive digital education, in line with the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.

Activities/actions supported

Forward-Looking Projects are large-scale projects that aim to identify, develop, test and/or assess innovative (policy) approaches that have the potential of being scaled up to improve education and training systems. Potential actions to be funded include: research, mapping work, producing large-scale sectoral or cross-sectoral outputs; transnational capacity-building activities such as training, the analysis of policy contexts, policy-research, institutional adjustments; pilot activities to test innovative solutions; large-scale transnational events or networking activities, either sectoral or cross-sectoral; activities to spread results to the education sector. In particular, under this specific call, proposals must address one of the following priorities:

  • Education technology (edTech): scaling up of EU-based solutions through cross-sectorial cooperation (between education technology providers, education and training institutions, and public authorities) and develop an evidence-based quality assurance framework for education technology;
  • Effective pedagogical approaches on informatics for primary and secondary level of education, including through teacher-training initiatives;
  • Initial teacher training and continuous professional development and curriculum development in tackling disinformation and promoting digital literacy.

Anticipated outcomes

Funded projects under this call should aim at achieving systemic impact at EU level by having the capacity to deploy their innovative outcomes on a European scale and/or by being able to transfer them into different thematic or geographical contexts.

Moreover, these projects support transnational cooperation to implement a coherent and comprehensive set of sectoral or cross-sectoral activities that either:

  • foster innovation in terms of scope, ground-breaking methods and practices, and/or
  • ensure a transfer of innovation (across countries, policy sectors or target groups), thus ensuring at European level a sustainable exploitation of innovative project results and/or transferability into different contexts and audiences.

Institution providing the funding

European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Size of funding

EUR 1,500,000



Overview of eligibility criteria

In order to be eligible, applicants (coordinator and full partners) must be public or private organisations/entities that are active in the fields of education and training or in the world of work and are established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme. The consortium should be composed of a mix of public and private organisations combining researchers, practitioners and partners with the capacity to reach policy-makers, and must include at least 3 applicants (coordinator and full partners) from a minimum of 3 EU Member States or third countries associated to the Programme. The consortium must include at least 1 public authority at national or regional level (e.g. Ministries of Innovation, Education, Labour or Economy, qualification or quality assurance authorities etc ), from an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme, as applicant (coordinator or full partner). Please note that:

  • Higher education institutions established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
  • Organisations from third countries not associated to the Programme can be involved as associated partners (not as coordinator or full partners).


Projects should normally last between 24 and 48 months (extensions are possible).

Overview of award criteria

Project proposals will be assessed taking into account the following four criteria, for a maximum score of 100 points:

  • Relevance (up to 30 points)
  • Quality of the project design and implementation (up to 30 points)
  • Quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements (up to 20 points)
  • Impact, dissemination and sustainability (up to 20 points)

Projects must receive at least 70 points overall to be considered for funding.



Application procedures

Proposals must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal and must use the forms provided in the Electronic Submission System. Proposals must be complete and contain all the requested information and all required annexes and supporting documents, in particular:

  • Application Form Part A with administrative information about the participants and the summarised budget for the project;
  • Application Form Part B with the technical description of the project;
  • Application Form Part C containing additional project data (if any)

Application support available

For more information on the call and the application procedure please consult the Erasmus+ Programme Guide at


Link to funding opportunity

Link to the programme for more info