- Status
- Open
- Publication date
- 1 January 2021
- Opening date
- Deadline model
- Single-stage
- Deadline date
- 31 December 2027, 23:59 (CET)
- Funding programme
- Industrial Ecosystem
- Agrifood
- Aerospace & defence
- Automotive
- Construction
- Cultural & creative
- Digital
- Energy intensive industries
- Health
- Microelectronics
- Proximity and social economy
- Renewable energy
- Retail
- Textile
- Tourism
- Other
- Level of funding
- Regional level
The Marshal's Office of the Kuyavia and Pomerania is the public authority responsible for the implementation of ERDF in the Województwo Kujawsko-Pomorskie/Kuyavia and Pomerania region in Poland. It manages European Funds for Kuyavia and Pomerania 2021-2027 which includes 10 priority intervention areas. Those relevant for upskilling and reskilling are the following:
- Priority (1) European Funds for Increasing Innovation and Regional Competitiveness provides measures on upskilling possibilities for research and academic institutions staff, upskilling aimed at innovative technologies of SMes staff.
- Priority (7) European Funds for Local Development includes actions on life-long learning and upskilling oriented at meeting labour-market needs, in particular, related to digital and entrepreneurial skills.
- Priority (9) Technical Assistance covers training opportunities for effective human resources management concerning OP implementation.