- Status
- Open
- Publication date
- 8 March 2023
- Opening date
- Deadline model
- Single-stage
- Deadline date
- 31 December 2027, 23:59 (CET)
- Funding programme
- Industrial Ecosystem
- Agrifood
- Aerospace & defence
- Automotive
- Construction
- Cultural & creative
- Digital
- Energy intensive industries
- Health
- Microelectronics
- Proximity and social economy
- Renewable energy
- Retail
- Textile
- Tourism
- Other
- Level of funding
- Regional level
The The Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen (VLAIO) is the public authority responsible for the ERDF implementation in the Flanders region in Belgium and manages the Operational Programme on “Investing in growth and employment opportunities Flanders''. The Operational Programme is revolves around 4 axes (except technical assistance):
- Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
- Enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises
- Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors
- Sustainable urban development
Please note that this Operational Programme refers to the programming period 2014-2020, as the as the Operational Programme for 2021-2027 are not yet available.