Micro-credentials are taking off Skip to main content
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Micro-credentials are taking off

This briefing paper outlines the key findings from a survey to gather the views of different actors and stakeholders in education and training and the labour market on the subject of micro-credentials.


Publication date
1 May 2022
European Training Foundation
Industrial Ecosystem
  • Cross-sectoral


In May-June 2021, the ETF conducted a survey that explored the views of different actors and stakeholders in education and training and the labour market on the subject of micro-credentials. The aim of the survey was to identify what support is needed to boost a micro-credential approach and to collect examples of existing micro-credentials and opinions on the implications of their uptake and use. Based on the responses, the survey findings support the definition of micro-credentials as a shared tool, alongside other lifelong learning instruments.


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Micro-credentials are taking off


  • 24 AUGUST 2022
Micro-credentials are taking off