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Pact for Skills
  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

Specialised training sessions

This call aims to develop specialised training sessions to improve knowledge and skills to prevent and combat fraud, corruption and any other illegal activities affecting the EU financial interests.


Publication date
30 March 2023
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
11 May 2023, 17:00 (CEST)
Level of funding
  • EU level




The Programme pursues the general objective to protect the EU financial interests by preventing and combating fraud, encouraging transnational and multidisciplinary cooperation, exchanges of knowledge and best practices, and the creation of international networks . The call provides financial support for training, conferences, seminars, studies, webinars and e-learning activities.

Activities/actions supported

The call supports actions to develop specialised training sessions to improve knowledge and use of IT tools, and to increase anti-fraud data-analysis abilities through the acquisition of new skills and knowledge of specialised methodologies and techniques.

Anticipated outcomes

The expected result from the activities supported through this call is to improve the abilities of professionals, in particular staff from customs authorities and other law-enforcement bodies, to protect the financial interests of the EU through:

  • the acquisition of new skills;
  • improved knowledge of specialised methodologies and techniques; and
  • an increased awareness of fraud-risk indicators at the Union level.

Institution providing the funding

European Commission

Funding programme

Union Anti-fraud Programme (EUAF)

Size of funding

EUR 900.000



Overview of eligibility criteria

In order to be eligible, the applicants (beneficiaries and affiliated entities) must:

  • be legal entities (public or private bodies) which are:
    • national or regional public authorities or international organisations that can help to achieve a EUAF objective, in particular to protect the EU financial interests or
    • research and educational institutes and non-profit making entities that can help to achieve the objectives of the EUAF Programme, in particular to protect the EU financial interests, and have been established and operating for at least one year.
  • be from a:
    • EU Member State (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) or
    • listed EEA country or country associated to the EUAF Programme or country which is in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature

Overview of award criteria

The following award criteria are taken into account:

  • Conformity with the objectives of the EUAF Programme (30 points)
  • Quality (20 points)
  • Value for money (20 points)
  • Added value for the protection of the EU financial interests (30 points)

Individual thresholds per criterion are: 18/30, 12/20, 12/20 and 18/30 points. While the overall threshold is 60 points. Proposals that pass the individual thresholds AND the overall threshold will be considered for funding.



Application procedures

All proposals must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal electronic submission system. The application form will have three parts:

  • Part A includes administrative information about the applicant organisations (future coordinator, beneficiaries, affiliated entities and associated partners) and the summarised budget for the proposal. Fill it in directly online
  • Part B (description of the action) covers the technical content of the proposal. Download the mandatory word template from the Submission System, fill it in and upload it as a PDF file
  • Annexes (see section 5 in the call). Upload them as PDF file (single or multiple depending on the slots). The detailed budget table should be uploaded as Excel file via the portal. The proposal must keep to the page limits (see section 5 in the call); excess pages will be disregarded.

More information in the text of the call (see link below).

Application support available

Non-IT related questions should be sent to the following email address: OLAF-ANTI-FRAUD-TRAININGatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (OLAF-ANTI-FRAUD-TRAINING[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).


Useful links

Link to funding opportunity

Link to the programme for more info