- Status
- Closed
- Publication date
- 23 September 2022
- Opening date
- Deadline model
- Single-stage
- Deadline date
- 24 January 2023, 17:00 (CET)
- Funding programme
- Level of funding
- EU level
The overall objective of this call is to support excellence in higher education institutions and to increase the capacity of the training offer for advanced technologies, including through stronger cooperation between . education and research institutions and innovative industries, and greater mobility between academia and business. The specific objectives of this call include:
- Increasing and improving the offer of education programmes and the number of students specialised in key capacity areas;
- Supporting more inter-disciplinary courses that can equip professionals with relevant advanced digital skills and increase diversity among students and future digital experts;
- Supporting cooperation between higher education institutions and the private sector together with research and excellence centres in digital technologies;
- Contributing to the implementation of the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027.
Activities/actions supported
The call will support the design and delivery of higher education programme(s), such as bachelor’s and master’s (at ISCED LEVEL 6,7 or equivalent - hereafter education programmes) and the development of related self-standing modules/courses (online or in-person) leading to a certification by consortia of higher education institutions, businesses and excellence centres. The proposed project(s) must fulfil at least objective the first and one or more of the following objectives:
- Addressing skills needs
- Attracting qualified teaching staff and students
- Upgrading digital solutions, equipment and infrastructure, with a special focus on interoperability of IT systems across participating Higher Education Institutions
- Establishing structural and sustainable partnerships between the members of the consortium, so as to allow students to benefit from capacities and specialisms of other partners in the consortium.
Anticipated outcomes
The anticipated outcome of the actions to be supported by this call is to increase the offer of educational courses across the EU and foster the development of dynamic digital ecosystems. More specifically, funded projects will need to demostrated that:
- The education programme(s) are offered and taught to students in all high ereducation institutions participating in the action; Support (financial or other) has been provided to students in order to take part to the education programme(s)
- Technical equipment/digital tools have been upgraded for the delivery of the education programme
- Structural partnerships have been established among the members of the consortium
- The education programme is promoted and information are available on the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform
Institution providing the funding
European Commission
Size of funding
56 000 000 euro
Overview of eligibility criteria
In oder to apply for funding under this call, applicants must be legal entities established in one of the eligible countries (i.e., EU Member States or non-EU countries (listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Digital Europe Programme or countries which are in ongoing negotiations for an association agreement and where the agreement enters into force before grant signature). Moreover, proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 6 applicants with:
- at least three degree-awarding education institutions from three different eligible countries participating in DIGITAL programme;
- at least two SMEs;
- at least one research centres or excellence centre in one key emerging technology in line with the definition in Targeted Stakeholders section in the text of the call (see link below).
Overview of award criteria
Project proposals will be assessed taking into account the following three criteria, for a maximum score of 15 points:
- Relevance (up to 5 points)
- Implementation (up to 5 points)
- Impact (up to 5 points)
Application procedures
In order to apply for this call, organisations need to create a user account and register using this link.
Furthermore, the proposal must be submitted in 3 parts:
- Part A: administrative information about the applicant organisations and the summarised budget for the proposal (to be filled in directly online).
- Part B: technical content of the proposal. Organisations need to download the mandatory word template, fill it in and upload it as a PDF file.
- Annexes to be uploaded as PDF file.
Application forms are available in the link of the call (see below).
Application support available
For help related to this call, organisations can use this contact form.
For more information about the call, please see the full text here.