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European Social Fund Plus (ESF+) - Portugal (Madeira)

The Instituto de Desenvolvimento Regional - Institute of Regional Development is the public authority responsible for the implementation of ESF in the Madeir region in Portugal.


Publication date
3 March 2023
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
31 December 2027, 23:59 (CET)
Level of funding
  • Regional level


The Instituto de Desenvolvimento Regional - Institute of Regional Development is the public authority responsible for the implementation of ESF in the Madeir region in Portugal and manages the Regional Operational Programme Madeira 2014-2019. The Operational Programme is a multi-fund Programme with contributions from the European Regional Development Fund and European Social Funds for the period 2014-2020, covering the outermost region of Madeira. The total allocation of the Operational Programme comes to EUR 403 million with a financial contribution of EUR 274 million from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and EUR 129 million from the European Social Fund (ESF). The programme aims contribute to promoting the competitiveness of the regional economy and the region's sustainable development and internal cohesion:

  • More than 10% of the resources are allocated to supporting competitiveness and innovation in enterprises
  • Around 8% of the resources aim to boost research and technical development (RTD) and innovation
  • 11% are dedicated to promoting job creation and enhancement of endogenous resources
  • More than 21% are dedicated to promoting education and qualification
  • Almost 5% oaims to support the shift towards a low-carbon economy

Please note that this Operational Programme refers to the programming period 2014-2020, as the as the Operational Programme for 2021-2027 is not yet available.

Useful links

Link to managing authority

Link to funding opportunities