- Status
- Open
- Publication date
- 3 March 2023
- Opening date
- Deadline model
- Single-stage
- Deadline date
- 31 December 2027, 23:59 (CET)
- Funding programme
- Level of funding
- Regional level
Regione Basilicata is the public authority responsible for the ESF+ implementation in the Basilicata region in Italy. It manages the regional ESF+ and ERDF Programme, RP Basilicata ERDF ESF+ 2021-2027. Under priority 7 on education and training, the programme includes an objective focused on ensuring access to adult education (objective ESO4.6) as well as one on which focuses on pomoting lifelong learning and opportunities for upskilling and reskilling, with a view to respond to the changing needs of the labour market. The actions foreseen under this objective include:
- continuous training fo professionals and workers on digital and technical skills
- learning pathways for the acquisition of professional qualifications
- improving regional validation systems, including for people with a migrant background
- trialling mico-credentials