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Pact for Skills
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European Social Fund (ESF) - Portugal (I)

The Ministry of Education and Science is one of the public authorities responsible for the implementation of ESF+ in Portugal.


Publication date
2 March 2023
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
31 December 2027, 23:59 (CET)
Level of funding
  • National level


The Ministry of Education and Science is one of the public authorities responsible for the implementation of ESF+ in Portugal and manages the Human Capital Operational Programme. This Operational Programme is based on five major objectives: 

  1. Promotion of academic success and reduction of early school-leaving (ESL) 
  2. Improvement of employability through the adjustment between supply and demand in the labour market 
  3. Increased attractiveness of Higher Education and number of graduates
  4. Improvement of the adult population qualifications
  5. Promoting the quality and regulation of the education and training system

Please note that this Operational Programme refers to the programming period 2014-2020, as the as the Operational Programme for 2021-2027 is not yet available.

Useful links

Link to managing authority

Link to funding opportunities