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Pact for Skills
  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

Capacity building in the field of higher education Strand 1

This Strand is designed to attract less experienced Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and small-scale actors to the Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) action to facilitate access to newcomer organisations.


Publication date
29 November 2022
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
16 February 2023, 17:00 (CET)
Funding programme
Level of funding
  • EU level




Specifically, the action will:

  • Improve the level of competences, skills and employability potential of students in HEIs in the third countries not associated to the Programme by developing new and innovative education programmes;
  • Promote inclusive education, equality, equity, non-discrimination and the promotion of civic-competences in higher education in the third countries not associated to the Programme;
  • Improve the training of teachers and continuous professional development in order to impact the longer term quality of the education system in the third countries not associated to the Programme;
  • Increase the capacities of HEIs, bodies in charge of higher education and competent authorities of third countries not associated to the Programme;
  • Stimulate cooperation of institutions, capacity building and exchange of good practice.

Activities/actions supported

The non-exhaustive list of possible additional types of activities related to training and skilling is as follows:

  • activities enhancing the management/administrative capacity of the targeted HEIs such as those reforming and modernising the university governance or building capacities to support students and staff mobility activities;
  • activities ensuring high quality and relevant education such as those implementing training courses for HEI academic staff or developing capacities for postgraduate students;
  • activities increasing the accessibility of the students/staff with fewer opportunities such as those developing remote and inclusive learning pathway or updating the digital technology to develop specific services.

Anticipated outcomes

Among the expected outcomes, the non-exhaustive list of those focusing up- and -re-skilling are:

  • Improved access to and quality of higher education, in particular for people with fewer opportunities and in the poorest countries in the different regions;
  • Increased students sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
  • Increased level of digital competence for students and staff;
  • A stronger link and cooperation with the private sector, promoting innovation and entrepreneurship;
  • Alignment of the academic world with labour market enhancing employability of students;
  • Increased participation of HEIs located in remote areas.

Institution providing the funding

European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)

Size of funding

Between EUR 200,000 and EUR 400,000 per project



Overview of eligibility criteria

Eligible third countries not associated to the Programme cab apply for this action:

  • All third countries not associated to the Programme (please see section "Eligible Countries" in Part A of this Guide) in Western Balkans, Neighbourhood East and Neighbourhood West, South-Mediterranean countries, Asia, Central Asia, Middle East, Pacific, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Caribbean.
  • Exception: organisations from Belarus (Region 2) and the Russian Federation (Region 4) are not eligible to participate in this action.

The applicants (coordinator and partners) must be legal entities:

  • higher education institutions (HEIs) or organisations of HEIs;
  • established in an EU Member State, in a third country associated to the Programme or in eligible third countries not associated to the Programme.

Overview of award criteria

Project proposals will be assessed taking into account the following 4 criteria, for a maximum of 100 points:

  • Relevance of the project (30 points);
  • Quality of the project design and implementation (30 points);
  • Quality of the partnership and the cooperation arrangements (20 points);
  • Sustainability, impact and dissemination of the expected results (20 points).

The threshold for individual criteria will be at least half of the maximum score points. The overall threshold, applying to the sum of the individual scores, will be 60.



Application procedures

Applications should be sent to the To the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) with:

  • Call ID: ERASMUS-YOUTH-2023-CB

For more details about the application process, please see the link to the call below.

Application support available

For more information on the call and the application procedure please consult the Erasmus+ Programme Guide at

For help related to this call, please contact: EACEA-EPLUS-CBHEatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (EACEA-EPLUS-CBHE[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)


Link to funding opportunity

Link to the programme for more info