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Pact for Skills
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Scan With Me (SWiM): A train-the-trainer program to upskill MRI personnel in low- and middle- income countries.

The SWiM Program is the first masterclass in MRI acquisition for practicing imaging technologists in LMICS. The program holds the potential to help reduce disparities in MRI expertise and access.


Publication date
14 May 2024
Abdul Nashirudeen Mumuni
Industrial Ecosystem
  • Health


Access to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs) remains among the poorest in the world. The lack of skilled MRI personnel exacerbates access gaps, reinforcing longstanding health disparities. The SWiM Program aims to sustainably create a network of highly skilled MRI technologists in LMICs who will facilitate the transfer of MRI knowledge and skills to their peers and contribute to implementation of highly valuable imaging protocols for impactful clinical and research use. Forty-three MRI technologists from 16 LMICs participated in the pilot CMR program and over the course of the training, implemented optimized CMR protocols that reduced acquisition times while improving image quality. The training resources and scanner-specific standardized protocols are published openly for public use on an online repository. In general, at the end of the program, learners reported considerable improvements in CMR knowledge and skills. All respondents to the program evaluation survey agreed to recommend the program to their colleagues, while 87% indicated interest in returning to help train others.


  • 15 JULY 2024
Scan With Me: A Train-the-Trainer Program to Upskill MRI Personnel in Low- and Middle-Income Countries