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Pact for Skills
General publications

Occupational profiles of the key occupations in Coastal and Maritime Tourism with descriptions of the knowledge, skills and competencies

This report summarises research on sector-specific skills and qualifications in coastal and maritime tourism in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, the Netherlands, and Ireland.


Publication date
1 December 2021


This report summarises research on sector-specific skills and qualifications in coastal and maritime tourism in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, the Netherlands, and Ireland. It is based on desk research, expert interviews and focus group discussions and highlights the skills gaps for coastal and maritime tourism. Three occupational profiles were developed: a report manager responsible for destination management, a micro-entrepreneur offering blue experiences, and a sustainability manager. Additional reports specific to the five countries studied are available on the project's website.


Link to the resource/material/publication

Occupational profiles of the key occupations in Coastal and Maritime Tourism


23 AUGUST 2022
Occupational profiles of the key occupations in Coastal and Maritime Tourism with descriptions of the knowledge, skills and competencies