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Pact for Skills
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Green Skills for Hydrogen: Identify Occupational Profiles and Urgent Skills Needs

Based on findings from industry professionals from across Europe, this report from the EU-funded GreenSkills4H2 project defines occupational profiles and skills needs in the European hydrogen sector.


Publication date
31 December 2022
Green Skills 4H2


GreenSkills4H2 is an EU-funded project that aims to provide the hydrogen industry with the skills required to meet the challenges of the green transition. As one of their first deliverables, this report defines occupational profiles and skills needs, which will serve as the basis of a dedicated skills strategy for Europe. The report highlights which roles are in high demand and require more advanced technical and engineering skills, concluding that there is a significant gap in education and training related to jobs in the hydrogen sector within the EU.

Green Skills for Hydrogen: Identify Occupational Profiles and Urgent Skills Needs


  • 2 MAY 2023
Green Skills for Hydrogen: Identify Occupational Profiles and Urgent Skills Needs