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Pact for Skills
  • General publications

The Future of Skills: A case study of the agri-food sector in Morocco

This ETF publication explores how the agri-food sector in Morocco is changing and what the expected skills needs will be. While focusing specifically on Morocco, the insights on the sector are likely applicable to a broader geographic area.


Publication date
13 April 2021


The publication begins with an overview of the agri-food sector in Morocco. It then goes into the key drivers of change in the sector, the expect future job and skills needs, and what sector initiatives exist in Morocco to address these challenges. The report is a part of the European Training Foundation’s series on future skills needs. Although the information is presented in the context of Morocco, the insights on the agri-food sector overall are likely relevant to a broader geographic area.

The Future of Skills: A case study of the agri-food sector in Morocco


  • 28 APRIL 2023
The Future of Skills: A case study of the agri-food sector in Morocco