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The future of jobs is green

This study outlines plausible medium and long-term futures for the European labour markets, with the aim to shed light on how jobs will change in the context of the green transition.


Publication date
17 November 2021
Joint Research Centre


This JRC foresight study aims to leap forward, envisioning plausible medium- and long-term futures for the European labour markets. It aims to shed light on how jobs will change in the context of the green transition. This study goes beyond short term forecasts and covers all of the three-time horizons: i) expected, ii) transition and iii) futures. Based on expected developments and key drivers of change, ‘snapshots of the future’ were sketched, highlighting long-term futures by 2040 and beyond.


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The future of jobs is green


  • 26 AUGUST 2022
The future of jobs is green