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Pact for Skills
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EPALE Community Storybook - Empowering adults to learn and participate in society

This publication is a collection of stories focused on inclusive social change, digital transition and the opportunities of blended learning, and life skills for empowering adults to learn and participate.


Publication date
1 April 2022
European Commission


The Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) community has contributed to the creation of a collective inspirational stories to share practices and reflections on adult learning. The stories focus on three main subjects:

  1. Inclusive social change for sustainability and fairness,
  2. Digital transition and the opportunities of blended learning, and
  3. Life skills for empowering adults to learn and participate.


Link to the resource/material/publication

EPALE Community Storybook - Empowering adults to learn and participate in society


  • 15 AUGUST 2022
Publication_EPALE Community Storybook - Empowering adults to learn and participate in society