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Centres of Vocational Excellence: An engine for vocational education and training development

This paper on the work of Centres of Vocational Excellence focuses on the pressure to make skills provision more responsive to changing needs and the need to improve the performance of the whole skills provider network.


Publication date
16 July 2020
European Training Foundation


The ETF paper ‘Centres of Vocational Excellence – an engine for VET Development’ tries to do justice to the contested understanding of vocational excellence, to the diversity of institutions that present themselves as CoVEs and to the varied and dynamic policy-making contexts in which CoVEs are developing. The research suggests that there are two kinds of driver for the development of CoVEs. Firstly, there is the pressure to make skills provision more responsive to the changing needs of industry, which typically favours more specialist skills providers. And secondly, there is the need to improve the performance of the whole skills provider network, which places emphasis on coordination, cooperation and strategic development.


Link to the resource/material/publication

Centres of Vocational Excellence - An engine for vocational education and training development


  • 23 AUGUST 2022
Centres of Vocational Excellence - An engine for vocational education and training development