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Catalysing Education 4.0 Investing in the Future of Learning for a Human-Centric Recovery

The report highlights three key investment areas in education, including: new assessment mechanisms; adoption of new learning technologies; and empowerment of the teaching workforce.


Publication date
16 May 2022
World Economic Forum


There is a unique window to identify opportunities for fundamental, strategic investments in transforming primary and secondary education as part of the broader post-pandemic recovery, and reimagine an education system that is inclusive, focuses on the breadth of skills needed to be successful in the age of the 4IR, and leverages technological and pedagogical innovation to put learners at the centre of learning. To unlock this transformation, the report highlights three key investment areas in education, including: new assessment mechanisms; adoption of new learning technologies; and empowerment of the teaching workforce.


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Catalysing Education 4.0 Investing in the Future of Learning for a Human-Centric Recovery


  • 24 AUGUST 2022
Catalysing Education 4.0 Investing in the Future of Learning for a Human-Centric Recovery