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Building a Creative Nation – Current and Future Skills Needs: addressing skills gaps and shortages in the creative and cultural industries

Arts Council England and Creative & Cultural Skills commissioned a large survey in 2017 to understand skills gaps and shortages in the creative and cultural sector in Britain. The report covers the main findings and the implications for the sector.


Publication date
1 January 2018
Creative & Cultural Skills


In order to understand the skills gaps and shortages in the British creative and cultural sector, Arts Council England and Creative & Cultural Skills commissioned a large-scale survey of businesses in the sector. Particular focus was given to skills needed by leadership and management; however, all occupations and subsectors were explored. The report provides an overview of the main findings, as well as a set of recommendations for how these gaps should be addressed by the sector moving forward.

Building a Creative Nation – Current and Future Skills Needs: addressing skills gaps and shortages in the creative and cultural industries


  • 28 APRIL 2023
Building a Creative Nation – Current and Future Skills Needs: addressing skills gaps and shortages in the creative and cultural industries