Briefing note - Looking back to look ahead: what is the future for VET in Europe? Skip to main content
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Briefing note - Looking back to look ahead: what is the future for VET in Europe?

This Cedefop briefing note argues that there is a need to better connect initial and continuing VET. It provides examples of how content and training provision is changing to adapt to evolving skills needs.


Publication date
2 December 2022
Industrial Ecosystem
  • Cross-sectoral


This briefing note explores how changing labour market and societal needs are influencing the content and provision of vocational education and training (VET). Some of the examples explored are broader initial VET qualifications, the different design of VET qualifications, skills blending in curricula, opening initial VET to adults, and lastly, integrating initial VET and continuing VET. This report is available in multiple languages.

Looking back to look ahead: what is the future for VET in Europe?


  • 10 FEBRUARY 2023
Looking back to look ahead: what is the future for VET in Europe?